Welcome to the world of the Living Puppets!
They could soon be saying “Hi there” to you and of course anything YOU come up with! Learning to play with the Living Puppets® is child’s play whatever puppeteer’s age. It’s really easy to bring the hand puppets to life using the moving mouth. Simply give it a try and find out which one suits you. They are ideal as playmates, learning partners, living characters, cuddly friends, family members, confidantes, role players, story tellers, imagination developers, spin doctors, foreign language talents, truth tellers, everyday heroes… And much more. You will see how endlessly charming your little cuddly friends can be when you bring them to life through play. And that is also why they’re called Living Puppets! Living puppets are available from well-stocked toy retailers. If your toy shop doesn’t stock Living Puppets though and it also can’t order them, visit our online shop.

The hand puppet online shop of Living Puppets
Do you love the puppet show? Does the Sesame Street perhaps belong to your favourite series? Or do you love animals and have wanted your own for a long time? Then you have come to the right place: Through the hand puppets of Living Puppets friends like the crown monster, cuddly tigers, majestic monsters and friendly monsters come directly to your home. They want nothing more than to be a part of your games, to experience adventures with you and to be allowed to protect your sleep.
With our hand puppets you can cuddle to your heart's content!
The hand puppets, which you can find here in our online shop, are suitable for small as well as for large hands. Even if you are still young, you can play with your puppets, your personal Elmo or your own member of the Quasselbande to your heart's content. Of course we know that you want to cuddle with your new friends too. Our animal handpuppets are very soft and only made of high quality materials. We also design all hand puppets with great attention to detail. You will see that they all have their own personality and are just waiting to experience exciting adventures with you.
But you will not only find hand puppets here in our online shop.
You already have hand puppets from Living Puppets and love your friends? We are very happy about that. Of course our online shop offers much, much more. We also have:
Dream Cuddle Cushion: sleep well and always see a happy face when you wake up!
Bags and backpacks: Don't miss the friendly laughter of the dolls when you're on the road!
Puppet clothes: You would like to give one of your hand puppet friends a new jacket or maybe some pyjamas? Here in the online shop you will find what you are looking for.
The best thing is to start looking for your new hand puppet right away!