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Buy Monster to go hand puppets

We offer a wide range of hand puppets. Among other things we carry Monster to go hand puppets, human  and animal puppets. You can use a hand puppet in many ways. It is suitable for role-playing games, is a sleep aid, soothes and has a high cuddling factor. With a Monster to go hand puppet, there is another big advantage: it chases away all characters that might lead to nightmares and fears. If you want to buy a hand puppet with a real additional benefit, you are on the safe side with a Monster to go puppet!


Daddel W903
Daddel möchte gern mal Profiberateramateurshelferassistent werden. Wichtiger Traumberuf! Maul und Kopf bespielbar. Größe 22 cm.

Flöckchen W803
With his big ears he understands everything… Moveable mout and head. Size 13".

Schickimicki W816
Die Schickimicki Katze mag es am liebsten bunt. Genauso verrückt, wie sie aussieht, ist sie auch. Trist, traurig oder Tübsal? Kennt sie nicht! Maul und Kopf sind bespielbar. Größe 35 cm.

Schnute W848
With his big ears he understands everything… Moveable mout and head. Size 13".

Schorsch W819
With his big ears he understands everything… Moveable mout and head. Size 13".

Tröte W888
Tröte ist definitiv der Lauteste. Seit kurzem singt er daher im Monster-Chor die erste Stimme. Maul und Kopf bespielbar. Größe 22 cm.

Schmackes W776
The all round manager! Moveable mouth and head. Size 12“

Mops W865
With his big ears he understands everything… Moveable mout and head. Size 13".

Zoff W866
With his big ears he understands everything… Moveable mout and head. Size 13".

Bammel W802
Fearing darkness? Kevin doesn't! Moveable mout and head. Size 13".


What makes Monster to go hand puppets stand out

At first glance, the special design catches the eye. Although our dolls carry the epithet "Monster", the loving, child-friendly design predominates. Our monsters are made to be loved! In addition, hand puppets encourage children's creativity. Now fantasy stories come true, because the original hand puppets give a lot of freedom for the realization of stories.

Childlike fears, worries and troubles can be reliably dispelled. The puppet is a proven aid for parents, educators* and therapists. You can let it speak and involve every child in the puppet show with simple movements. There is a reason for consolation, an insecurity you want to clarify, or a great pain - emotionally or physically? The Monster to go! puppet  will support you reliably. Try it out - there is hardly a situation that cannot be handled by a cheeky yet loving monster!

Which Monster to go hand puppets can you buy from us?

We have the right monster puppet for every wish. Bammel, for example, is a perfect scaremonger. With his magic powers he can make sure that a dark room no longer scares you. He guards your sleep and chases away dream monsters at night. Flöckchen can listen wonderfully. You can entrust him with all your worries. With his huge ears he hears the slightest whisper - and he keeps your secrets to himself! Often you will notice how your problem gets smaller and smaller until it finally disappears completely. Flöckchen is not only a good listener, but also eats away everything that is bothering you.

Discover and buy Monster to go hand puppets in the shop

Monster to go hand puppets accompany you through the day and night, they go with you on vacation and are simply always there for you. Have a look around our shop if you want to buy Monster to go hand puppets - the right one is waiting for you!